Submitting video encodes

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We encode all videos from source ourselves so that they will be of consistent quality and audio volume. However, it can take some time to find a good source, determine if and when it needs to be trimmed, and compile other relevant information about the video. Gathering and submitting this information for us will speed up the process of getting it on the site.


We want high-quality sources. YouTube will not be accepted.

If any openings/endings have the same song or animation, use letters to differentiate them. Otherwise leave this input blank.

If the series only has one season, you can use the same name for both.

Times can be in the format "SSS.mmm", "MMM:SS.mmm", or "HHH:MM:SS.mmm". We try to be frame-accurate with our times. The video should start/end on the first non-black frame, unless it's a fade. If the video fades in/out, there should be exactly one full black frame before/after the fade. An end time of "0" means "until the end of the source video".

Song information is not required, but we would like to have it.

So that we can contact you about your submission.

If there is anything we should know about this video (ex. "TV version" or "from season 3 episode 5").